» Written translation services for legal entities

Written translation services for legal entities



General topics

Specific topics
1 group  
Kazakh 1600 KZT 1700 KZT
English 1600 KZT 1700 KZT
French  1600 KZT 1800 KZT
German 1600 KZT 1800 KZT
2 group
Uzbek 2000 KZT 2300 KZT
Ukrainian 2000 KZT 4000 KZT
Kyrgyz 2000 KZT 2300 KZT
Mongolian 2000 KZT 2300 KZT
Turkmen 2000 KZT 2300 KZT
Turkish 2000 KZT 2300 KZT
Azerbaijani 2000 KZT 2300 KZT
3 group
Chinese 3800 KZT 4000 KZT
Italian 4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Spanish 4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Arabic  4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Korean 4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Farsi  4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Hebrew 4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Czech 4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Polish 4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Japanese 4000 KZT 4500 KZT
Other languages 4000 KZT 4500 KZT


Verification and translation of seal services for legal entities

General topics Specific topics
1 group verification seal verification seal
Kazakh  700,00 KZT 700,00 KZT 750,00 KZT 750,00 KZT
English  650,00 KZT 650,00 KZT 700,00 KZT 700,00 KZT
French 650,00 KZT 650,00 KZT 700,00 KZT 700,00 KZT
German 700,00 KZT 700,00 KZT 750,00 KZT 750,00 KZT
2 group
Uzbek 1050,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 1200,00 KZT
Ukrainian 1050,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT
Kyrgyz 1050,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 1200,00 KZT
Mongolian 1050,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 1200,00 KZT
Azerbaijani 1050,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 1150,00 KZT 1200,00 KZT
3 group
Chinese 1350,00 KZT 1350,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT 1900,00 KZT
Italian 2000,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT
Spanish 2000,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT
Arabic 2000,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT
Korean 2000,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT
Japanese 2000,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT
Other languages 2000,00 KZT 2000,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT 2200,00 KZT


No extra charge for urgency (50%)
Proof -15%
From 20 – 50 pages discount - 3%
From 50-100 pages discount - 5%
From 100 and above pages the discount is defined individually.
Documents which contain special terms (in various areas)
medicine, finance, law, construction, etc.
the price is determined by category B