Written translation services for individuals
LANGUAGE | А CATEGORY General topics |
В CATEGORY Specific topics |
А category verification |
А category seal translation |
1 group | ||||
Kazakh | 1500 KZT | 1700 KZT | 800 KZT | 800 KZT |
English | 1500 KZT | 1700 KZT | 700 KZT | 700 KZT |
French | 1500 KZT | 1800 KZT | 800 KZT | 800 KZT |
German | 1500 KZT | 1800 KZT | 800 KZT | 800 KZT |
2 group | ||||
Uzbek | 1800 KZT | 2200 KZT | 950 KZT | 950 KZT |
Ukrainian | 1900 KZT | 3000 KZT | 950 KZT | 950 KZT |
Kyrgyz | 1900 KZT | 2300 KZT | 950 KZT | 950 KZT |
Mongolian | 1900 KZT | 2300 KZT | 950 KZT | 950 KZT |
Turkmen | 1900 KZT | 2300 KZT | 950 KZT | 950 KZT |
Turkish | 1900 KZT | 2300 KZT | 950 KZT | 950 KZT |
3 group | ||||
Chinese | 3300 KZT | 3800 KZT | 1500 KZT | 1500 KZT |
Italian | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Spanish | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Arabic | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Korean | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Japanese | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Czech | 4200 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Farsi | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Hebrew | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Polish | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Other languages | 4000 KZT | 4500 KZT | 2200 KZT | 2200 KZT |
Verification and translation of seal services for individuals
LANGUAGE | В category | |
Specific topics | ||
1 group | verification | seal |
Kazakh | 950,00 KZT | 950,00 KZT |
English | 800,00 KZT | 800,00 KZT |
French | 950,00 KZT | 950,00 KZT |
German | 950,00 KZT | 950,00 KZT |
2 group | ||
Uzbek | 1200,00 KZT | 1200,00 KZT |
Ukrainian | 2000,00 KZT | 2000,00 KZT |
Kyrgyz | 1200,00 KZT | 1200,00 KZT |
Turkish | 1200,00 KZT | 1200,00 KZT |
Azerbaijani | 1200,00 KZT | 1200,00 KZT |
3 group | ||
Chinese | 1900,00 KZT | 1900,00 KZT |
Italian | 2200,00 KZT | 2200,00 KZT |
Spanish | 2200,00 KZT | 2200,00 KZT |
Arabic | 2200,00 KZT | 2200,00 KZT |
Korean | 2200,00 KZT | 2200,00 KZT |
Japanese | 2200,00 KZT | 2200,00 KZT |
Other languages | 2200,00 KZT | 2200,00 KZT |
No extra charge for urgency (50%)
Proof -15%
From 20 – 50 pages discount - 3%
From 50-100 pages discount - 5%
From 100 and above pages the discount is defined individually.
Documents which contain special terms (in various areas)
medicine, finance, law, construction, etc.
the price is determined by category B